Teaching and Learning
1. Develop, enhance and evaluate Schoolwide Learner Outcomes related to Literacy, Numeracy, Learner Profile.
2. Plan, implement and embed Cambridge Curriculum standards across all subjects.
3. Enhance, embed and resource, and evaluate whole-school Inclusion Provisions.
4. Further embed Service Learning in all areas of curriculum.
5. Continue strategic planning, provision and evaluation of Professional Learning.
Community, Culture & Wellness
1. Utilise and evaluate accompanying resources to enhance Pastoral / Wellbeing Practices
2. Enhance and evaluate Extra/Co-curricular and Community Offerings, building on partnerships with Parents Association, Alumni and Community Organizations
3. Further develop and evaluate the SIS Communication Strategy
4. Increase awareness, understanding and access of Support Programs and services by students and school.
5. Explore, identify, socialise and implement provisions for further Student Awards /Scholarships
Infrastructure Development
1. Develop a comprehensive Facilities Plan, inclusive of new facilities and existing facilities renewal, that meets Yayasan approval.
2. Further, develop, implement, socialise and evaluate the Information, Communication and Technology Plan
1. Develop and implement financial strategies to protect and increase school Revenue Streams
2. Develop, implement, socialise and evaluate the schools Marketing Plan.
3. Further, develop and support school initiatives towards achieving Nature Conservation Program.